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Map pinSpirit Lake · Iowa
5.0 · 
Chalet with Lake Access
Prices include fees and taxes in USD1 Night
approx. $650
Estimated Book Direct Price

Chalet with Lake Access

Room TypeRoom type
Entire home/apt

Chalet is a great space for groups, retreats, and family reunions. Plenty of sleeping room plus 2 living/dining areas to meet in. Outdoor patio and fire pit plus an indoor fire place make this an ideal spot anytime of year. Surrounded by our 110 acre property and endless activities like volleyball, gaga ball, 9 square, 3.5 miles of nature trails, waterfront, 2 docks, basketball, human foosball, and kickball. Read other information to learn about our Covid-19 changes. Guests will have access to 3.5 miles of trails. Sand Volleyball court. Basketball court. Kickball field. Double soccer field. Gagaball. 9 Square. Human Foosball. Fire pits. Waterfront- not a beach, but a space to walk into the water or put canoes or kayaks in. Every guest has a host who will greet you and help get you settled in. The host will be available during your stay to help with any needs or questions. We are conveniently located next to all the Okoboji fun, next door to Barefoot Bar and a short drive to Arnold's Park. Covid19 Health and Safety Guidelines 1. Stay in groups and social distancing. We ask that guests remain in their groups while onsite. If another group is using a space, and social distancing between groups is not possible, let the other group finish before you enter that space. Example: The gaga ball pit 2. Check in. Guests and staff are expected to wear face masks at check in. When possible check in will be done outside. Social distancing is expected of everyone during the check in process. If there is a maintenance need while guests are on site, they are asked to leave the facility or provide at least 6 ft of distance for staff while they are in the facility. 3. Staff lead activities. Activities lead by our staff will require social distancing from our staff, and if 6ft of distance is not possible, masks are required of both parties. 4. Communal Spaces. The recreation spaces are shared by all guests but should only be used by one group at a time if social distancing is not possible. Our rec rooms are closed. We recommend guests bring their own equipment, instead of sharing. 5. Masks. Masks will be expected when social distancing is not possible, and when multiple guest groups are interacting. For example, in the storm shelter during a storm warning. 6. Symptoms or exposure. Guests who have problematic symptoms within 10 days prior to arrival or known exposure are not allowed to stay at Lakeside. We expect guests to be honest and forth coming with this information and do the right thing if they are potentially sick or carrying the COVID19 virus. Cancellations are allowed penalty free if cancelled due to symptoms or exposure. Problematic Symptoms: Fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste or smell or known exposure. 7. Enhanced cleaning and sanitizing. We've added hand sanitizing stations to every cabin and building. We’ve added regular cleaning and sanitizing of all high touch surfaces. Shower houses will be cleaned daily while multiple guest groups are utilizing them. 8. Vaccination. All camp staff are expected to be vaccinated before guests arrive. We encourage all able adults to be vaccinated before arriving at Lakeside. 9. Facility Use Agreement. All guest groups will have a primary guest sign the facility use agreement on behalf of the entire party stating they understand and accept the risk of travel and will not hold Lakeside responsible for illness, injury, or accident. Also, that all guests in their party are aware of the expectations of their group and will ensure all policies including these health and safety guidelines are followed.


AirConditioningAir conditioning
ParkingParking space
Essentials (towels, bed sheets, soap, and toilet paper)
Fire Place

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