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Map pinUnited States · Louisiana · Pennsylvania
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Unit A: Spacious 2 Bedroom - Uptown Kane
Prices include fees and taxes in USD1 Night
approx. $60
Estimated Book-Direct Price

Unit A: Spacious 2 Bedroom - Uptown Kane

Room TypeRoom type
Entire home/apt

Urban and upscale Airbnb unit located in the heart of Kane, PA. This apartment centers around the accessibility to several local restaurants, as well as other establishments in downtown Kane. Located in the Alleghany National Forest, you can enjoy the year-round activities and historic sights. Please note: Due to the location of Lobo Fitness, some music can be heard during rental. Other things to note Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals - POLICY Service Animal: A dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. What is allowed: - Guests are allowed to be accompanied by service animals during a stay and are not required to disclose the presence of a service animal before booking. A Host may qualify for an exemption in certain circumstances - for instance, if the service animal directly threatens their health or safety. - Hosts are only allowed to ask the following about a guest’s need for a service animal: *Whether the guest requires their service animal because of a disability *What work or task the service animal has been trained to perform A guest’s service animal must NOT be: - Out of control - Un housebroken - Left alone at the listing without prior approval - Allowed into areas that are considered unauthorized to the guest - Allowed in a public space without being harnessed, leashed, or tethered and not under the guest’s control Emotional Support Animal: An animal that provides companionship, relieves loneliness, or helps with depression, anxiety, or certain phobias but is not required to have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. For jurisdictions where Hosts are required to accept emotional support animals, a guest’s emotional support animal must NOT be: - Out of control - Un housebroken - Left alone at the listing without prior approval - Allowed into areas that are considered unauthorized to the guest - Allowed in a public space without being harnessed, leashed, or tethered and not under the guest’s control What is allowed: Guests are allowed to request reasonable accommodations at a stay or Experience that would help them access a stay/Experience, communicate during a reservation, or participate in an Experience. Hosts are allowed to make a reasonable counteroffer to a guest’s original reasonable accommodation request. Hosts are allowed to refuse certain unreasonable or unattainable requests that: Increase the safety risk to the Host or others; Fundamentally change the nature of an Experience or impact it for other guest; Require a structural modification to a building or listing; Require the Host to take on added responsibilities that are time-intensive or put a significant physical or financial burden on them; Ask a Host to violate local laws or HOA/building requirements. Additional considerations: A Host will not be penalized if the Host’s failure to make a reasonable accommodation is deemed out of their control or if the Host has objectively shown why the request is unreasonable or unattainable for them. What happens when a Host or guest does not comply with our policies? We ask our community to work together to make Airbnb as accessible as reasonably possible. Airbnb may take steps up to and including suspending or removing the Host or guest from the Airbnb platform if they are unwilling to comply with our policies.


ParkingParking space
Essentials (towels, bed sheets, soap, and toilet paper)


Smoke Detector
Smoke detector

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Map pinUnited States · Louisiana · Pennsylvania

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