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Map pinTaiwan · Tainan City · West Central District
5.0 · 
「Inner Place 隱人生活」輕工業風設計老屋 : 2F 雙人套房_近國華街/友愛街口
Prices include fees and taxes in USD1 Night
approx. $80
Estimated Book-Direct Price

「Inner Place 隱人生活」輕工業風設計老屋 : 2F 雙人套房_近國華街/友愛街口

Room TypeRoom type
Private room

老屋空間革新創作,複層設計讓生活與夢境各有各的領域,又不失其互動。這塊夢土上的小宇宙,灰灰泥泥不加多餘的裝飾,好像攀爬就能夠到達,離心裡更近的地方。 A classy old house presents its new life from our bold ideas for renovation. We created a space of loft bed with a couch underneath, to maximize this petit universe for you and the one you travel with. Wish you dream a little dream of being a lovely“Inner”. #友愛街 #國華街 #台南市合法民宿 隱人生活近友愛/國華街口, 距保安路、正興街步行約3分鐘, 小西門、藍晒圖、孔廟、林百貨、神農街約5~10分鐘, 位於安靜的老巷弄內,走出門又可以立刻接上城市的節奏, 可以說是離塵不離市、夢幻的旅居地點唷! : ) 這間2樓的套房是一個夾層空間的設計, 有一個舒適的L型小沙發,需爬梯上樓睡覺, 適合戀人、適合半夜不需要常常上下樓梯、跑廁所的旅人, 也很適合一個人來當隱人唷! 同時,我們提供muji電熱水壺、Tescom吹風機、支持在地農作的柚香洗髮沐浴用品,給隱人們高質感的旅居回憶。 Inner Place is located at Youai St., right at the city center where is transportation-convenient and easily access to delicious local delicacies. Also, we are very close to many attractions (ex. Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park, Tainan Confucius Temple, Hayashi Department Store…etc.) within walking distance. And you can find 7-11 convenient store, Watsons, McDonalds, Starbucks, parking lots and bus stations nearby. Our 2F double room is a loft industrial space with an intermediate layer design. You can have sweet dreams upstairs and enjoy a cozy couch space underneath. Perfect for traveling alone or with the one you love. 我們是一對愛上台南的小夫妻, 從台北移居到台南, 隱人生活對我們來說不僅僅是分享空間, 它是我們的家,想給它家一般的感覺, 我們在台南一邊生活、一邊想跟全世界的旅人分享台南各種面向的可愛, 歡迎大家上我們的臉書:「Inner Place.隱人生活」, 有我們生活在台南的各種甜蜜日常。 來到隱人生活,除了提供大家舒適的空間以外, 1樓目前有個僅和房客交流的小酒吧台¸ 歡迎大家來到這裡和我們聊聊天、需要任何旅遊資訊我們也都很樂意幫忙唷!! We are a young couple who fell in love with Tainan, starting our bold new adventure right here. We consider Tainan a lovely place to live, to explore and to share with friends from all over the world. "Inner place" is an industrial-chic design hostel, a classy renovated old house, and a homelike place filled with love and lifestyle. We would love to share and make friends with you while you are travelling in Tainan. Welcome to be an “Inner”, with us! : ) 附近生活機能(商店與交通)介紹: *步行1分鐘內:7-11、屈臣氏、停車場、公車站牌(可往火車站) *步行3-5分鐘內:寶雅、菜市場、海安路地下停車場、麥當勞、政大書城、星巴克、電影院 *步行5-10分鐘:高鐵接駁車上下車站、公車站牌(往安平/台江) Living function: *1 min. walk to: 7-11 convenient store, Watsons (Cosmetic stores), parking lot, bus stop...etc. *3 to 5 mins walk to: McDonalds, Starbucks, local market, book store...etc. *5 to 10 mins walk to: THSR shuttle bus stop, 24 hrs Carrefour...etc. 交通資訊: 高鐵 可搭乘至「高鐵台南站」,轉高鐵接駁車「H31 (台南高鐵站-台南市政府)」,至「小西門(大億麗緻)站」下車,從下車處步行至友愛/西門路口約5~10分鐘。 火車 可搭乘火車到「台南站」,再轉搭公車「Line 1, Line2, Line5, Line10, Line11, Line18, Line19, Red Line」至「友愛/西門路口下車」,步行1分鐘可抵達。 自行開車/騎車 可自行設定導航至「友愛/西門路口」,旁邊設有平面收費停車場,步行1分鐘即可抵達;機車可停放於友愛街(西門路/國華街間)或海安路上機車停車格。 Traffic Information: *By THSR: Take the High Speed Rail to “Tainan Station” (台南站), then take the HSR shuttle “H31” (THSR Tainan Station - Tainan City Government) to the “Siaosimen/Tayih Landis Hotel” (小西門/大億麗緻站). And with 5 to 10 minute walk you will find us. (near the Int. of Simen Rd.&Youai St.) *By Train: Take the train to “Tainan station” (台南站), then take the City Bus “Line 1, Line2, Line5, Line10, Line11, Line18, Line19, Red Line” to the “Int. of Simen Rd.&Youai St.”, and you will find us in 1 minute walk. *Car: You can find “Simen Car Parking Lot” right at the “Int. of Simen Rd.&Youai St.” within 1 minute walk to our place.


AirConditioningAir conditioning
Essentials (towels, bed sheets, soap, and toilet paper)

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