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Map pinTân Xuân · Hồ Chí Minh
5.0 · 
My sweet home is a brand new house.
Prices include fees and taxes in USD1 Night
approx. $10
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My sweet home is a brand new house.

Room TypeRoom type
Private room

My house is 18km from the airport, 25km from the downtown You can access my home by buses, taxi or motorcycle. The bus stop is 5 minutes walk from my home. If you would like to spend lazy and peaceful day in Ho Chi Minh, my house will be a good choice. If you would like to explore Cu Chi Tunnel, my house is 30 km from the Cu Chi Tunnel. You can get there by bus, taxi or motorcycle. If you would like to go Cambodia, my house is 50km from the Moc Bai International Border. Every room in my house has own bedroom, bathroom that you can have your own space totally. You may share living room and dining room with my family and other guests You can wash your clothes with washing machine in my house with fee. You can access your room, living room, dinning room I am a full time working staff so i am not at home during the day however i will be online to answer your questions if you have. My mom is at home all the time so if you need anything, she can help too. There is a convenient store which is 5 minutes walk from home. You can buy groceries there. If you like local market, we have one local market in the morning which is 5 minutes walk from home. There are local food around home which is variety in case you don’t want to cook. There are local coffee shop, milk tea around home which is very convenient. There are swimming pool and gym nearby. If you are swimming and gym lover, it is within walking distance for you to enjoy. I have one nephew who is 8 years old, he studies during the day, he can make some noise after school. There are dogs from neighbors, they bark sometimes. This property is for monthly rent only Open hours: 5am-10pm during your stay, weekend up to midnight Monthly rent: VND 4000,0000. Electricity: 4,000/Kwh, water consumption: 100,000/month. Laundry: 20,0000/kg. Deposit: VND 2,000,000


AirConditioningAir conditioning
LaundryLaundry - washer
ParkingParking space


Bedroom Lock
Lock on bedroom door

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5.0 · 4 reviews
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5.0 (4)
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Map pinTân Xuân · Hồ Chí Minh

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