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Map pinGreenbrier · Tennessee
5.0 · 
Nashville Area Country Cabin/Coyote Creek
Prices include fees and taxes in USD1 Night
approx. $99
Estimated Book Direct Price

Nashville Area Country Cabin/Coyote Creek

Room TypeRoom type
Entire home/apt

Hi there! We don't have an official motto, but if we did it would be "look for ways to say yes". Please contact us with questions. We have a three day minimum. But we will do our best to accommodate shorter stays. Thanks! Generations ago, a sharecropper family of 12 lived in this cabin. JUST THE FRONT PART. They grew crops and cut trees for timber. They got their water from the creek, and hunted small game animals and raised pigs and chickens. The cabin has so much history we thought folks would enjoy knowing! Normally, our guests have run of the place. We ask that you contact us about walking on the property or coming up to our house. We will do our best to accommodate you! Our house is roughly 100 yards away, and we are reachable should you have any problems or concerns. A family member will meet you to let you in. We will respect your privacy otherwise. Time to tell you about your neighbors... you are likely to see red tailed hawks flying about. You will hear coyotes at night, occasionally they will make their way across a pasture and you can get a glimpse. Our horses, goats or donkeys may come to the fence to see who is here. Feel free to feed them carrots or apples. You may encounter rabbits, ground hogs, and if you are very lucky, a red tail fox. Inside the cabin, you may see ladybugs in the windows. They generally leave once the weather gets warm enough. Sometimes, a paper wasp will find his way inside, if you are bothered, call or text one of us and we will get rid of it. I think that covers it. For some reason, GPS systems like to route guests the long way around to our place or tell them they have arrived when they are on the wrong end of the road. I've done what I can with Google, but it doesn't seem to help. So, no matter how you get to Ridgetop/Greenbrier (essentially the same) stay on the main road and turn left on Parker Ave. (It turns into Dorris Road) Once you cross the concrete bridge we are first drive on the right. The cabin should be roughly 80 yards directly in front of you. Park next to small ramp. Call or text and we will be right there. Thanks! A note about our policies and pricing: We love dogs, and welcome them here. We have yet to meet one that didn't love romping in the creek and rooting around and exploring. If you have a pet with you, all we ask is that they are crated at night and not allowed on the beds or furniture. Thanks for understanding. (We have small and large crates available) We charge what we feel is a fair price, and we do not charge a cleaning fee since every guest we've had has left the place as good or better than they found it. Still, we have to clean/sanitize after each guest, and when we are unable to do it ourselves we have a local person help us out. She is paid a fair wage and does a good job. Please help us keep our pricing affordable for working folks. We look forward to your visit!


AirConditioningAir conditioning
LaundryLaundry - washer
LaundryLaundry - dryer
ParkingParking space
Essentials (towels, bed sheets, soap, and toilet paper)

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5.0 · 316 reviews
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5.0 (316)
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Map pinGreenbrier · Tennessee

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