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Map pinBrazil · Rio de Janeiro · Rio
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3 comfortable rooms for the wc
Prices include fees and taxes in USD1 Night
approx. $100
Estimated Book-Direct Price

3 comfortable rooms for the wc

Room TypeRoom type
Private room

Our nice and comfortable 3 rooms are located in a big house that has a size of appoximately 200 square meters.It comfortably fits for 3 people in 2 rooms each and there s a smaller room that fits for 2 people.It s located in the north part of rio. Our house offers 3 rooms.2 rooms fit for 3 people each,these rooms have 42-inch TV,each room has beds that are comfortable for 2 people and we have a big mattress can fit comfortably for 1 person in the 2 rooms. Bathrooms will be used in this way:one room is a suite,so only those will stay at this room we can use this bathroom.There is a bathroom on the second floor,this one will be only used for those who will stay at the room on the second floor.There is another bathroom on the first floor that will be shared between the visitors and the hosts. Our house offers the most convenient services one house can offer.As basic services,we offer:breakfest(we can offer a traditional brazilian food or some food our visitors ask for),cleaning(we have a housekeeper that will clean all rooms when visitor are not in the rooms),cable tv(if you come for the World Cup and you tired,there are TV channels that will show all games,so you can watch the games at your room),Wi-fi internet,washing,a telephone and air-conditioning. Guests will have acess to the barbecue place,kitchen,one bathroom that will be used for the hosts too and a big space for resting on the second floor. I have already lived in the US and my parents sometimes travel to the United States.We have friends from a lot of countries,so we know what is and how to live in a international community.My expectation is to get along with all visitors and provide them everything they ask for.I might be avaiable full time only on the weekends but for sure there will be always someone to help visitors. Our neigborhood is pretty quiet.Most owners of the village that we live are elderly people that are very respectful to everyone who stays here. From our house to a train station takes 5 minutes by walk and the same amount out visitor will spend to get at a bus stop. We live in a village and right now we have 3 cars from our home parking here.We can find a solution that one place for parking will be avaiable for visitors(that will depend on how many people will stay here at that time). To get from the airport,you can take a taxi or take a bus that goes to the downtown of Rio,if you take a taxi you might spend from 30 to 40 minutes,if you take the bus you might spend 1 hours.We can offer a service of picking visitors up at the airport and drop off the visitor at our home(that will depend on what time visitors will arrive here and how many people are they.If we are avaiable,we will offer this service).


AirConditioningAir conditioning
LaundryLaundry - washer
LaundryLaundry - dryer
ParkingParking space
Breakfast, coffee, tea

Good for

Families with Kids
Families (with kids)

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Map pinBrazil · Rio de Janeiro · Rio

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