Maximize your BookDirect

HiChee brings you direct inquiries or “book ready” traffic to your website.

(Currently, 100% FREE)

Being a search engine but not a listing site, HiChee displays over 1M vacation rentals in the USA, with price comparison between Vrbo and Airbnb. Guests may choose to book on either of the OTAs.

You might have already noticed that some listings also have bookdirect prices. If you are interested in displaying your bookdirect price, you are in the right place to learn how to.

While all being free of charge, HiChee offers you three different ways to show your direct price on your listings.

  1. Claiming your listings
  2. Integration
  3. Listing Creation

Claiming Your Listings

You might have noticed that your listings are already being displayed on HiChee with the OTA comparison and links.

This option allows you to display a bookdirect price using your listings’ OTA information. Meaning; the bookdirect price will be equal to the OTA price minus the OTA service fee.

To claim your listings:

  • Use the search bar at the top of this screen to find one of your listings. You can search by listing title or any OTA link/id.
  • Scroll to the bottom, and click “I’m the owner.”
  • Fill out the form.
  • We will be in touch shortly after.


HiChee can integrate with your website or with your vacation rental software to display your listing’s 100% correct information. HiChee offers three options:

  1. Website scrape
  2. StreamlineVRS
  3. Nextpax

Website Scrape: Integration with your website is scraping it to get the listing, calendar, and pricing information. If you are interested in this kind of integration, please send an email to

StreamlineVRS: If you are using StreamlineVRS, you just need to send an email to your account manager at Streamline, letting them know that you are interested in integrating with HiChee. Please CC in the email.

NextPax: If you are using one of these vacation rental software systems, we integrate with the help of NextPax. All you need to do is send an email to

Listing Creation

If you are willing to manage your listings manually, listing creation is the option for you.

  1. Sign up with your best email address
  2. Click “Become a Host” on the menu, and choose: “Create Listing.”
  3. If your listing is online at Vrbo or Airbnb, we can create the listing for you. Just make sure you have already completed the first step, then use the live chat icon to send your listing’s OTA link.
  4. Your listing will be online after the verification process.