Paid Placement

Get guaranteed visibility for your listings

It's easy to stand out from the crowd on HiChee. Even better: It's something that you can try at minimal cost and watch the results.

Our Sponsored Listings plan is highly flexible and fair:

  • You buy a bunch of tickets for $10
  • You choose either specific listings or any of your listings
  • Now your listings show in the top 5 positions of our initial search results as "Sponsored Listings"
  • Each non-transient showing there costs 1 ticket, but your $10 bought 200 tickets
  • We log the clicks to Sponsored Listings and provide you with a report showing how those tickets were used
  • The listings chosen for "Sponsored Listing" treatment are those that qualify to show according to the visitor's search criteria but would have shown further down the list

If you're a HiChee host or if you have claimed your listings on HiChee click HERE to leave your details and we'll get back to you to take your order.

If you're new to HiChee, you will need to claim your listings before you can sponsor them. Just search on HiChee using the OTA ID number for your listing. Then, on the listing detail page, click on "I'm the owner".